Our Leadership
Christ's undershepherd in a local congregation of God's people, who joins with the ruling elders in governing the congregation, is called a pastor. It is his charge to feed and tend the flock as Christ's minister and with the other elders to lead them in all the service of Christ.
Ruling Elders
Ruling elders, individually and jointly with the pastor in the session, are to lead the church in the service of Christ.
Deacons are called to show forth the compassion of Christ in a manifold ministry of mercy toward the saints and strangers on behalf of the church.
Our History
Shiloh Presbyterian Church began meeting in Cary, North Carolina in June 2010 as a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). From the outset, the vision was well-defined: faithful, clear, God-centered preaching in the context of Reformed worship for the building up of the saints and the conversion of the lost.
Shiloh initially enjoyed many months of regularly rotating preachers. Many men gave innumerable hours of labor to the fledgling congregation. Most of those who worked so hard (both in and out of the pulpit) had affiliations with Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Greenville, SC.
In May of 2012, Gabriel Fluhrer, a graduate of Greenville Seminary, was installed as the organizing pastor of Shiloh and in February 2013, Shiloh Presbyterian Church moved from being a mission work to an organized congregation in the OPC. At that time, Pastor Fluhrer was installed as her pastor along with the installation of three ruling elders and three deacons.
In April 2014, Shiloh called Reverend Irfon Hughes, previously retired from the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), to serve as associate pastor.
That same month, we began meeting at our current location on E. Whitaker Mill Road, in the Five Points district of Raleigh. After meeting for almost four years at an elementary school in Cary, the Lord blessed us with the ability to purchase a permanent location a mile north of downtown. Our desire is for the ministry out of this building to be a beacon of hope to the lost, comfort to the weary, and encouragement to those on the journey. In sum, Shiloh seeks to make Jesus more beautiful and believable to the unconvinced and convinced in Raleigh and beyond!
In August 2015, Pastor Fluhrer resigned to accept another ministerial call. In May 2016, Reverend Matthew Holst, formerly of Geneva OPC in Woodstock, GA, was installed as senior pastor of Shiloh. In May 2017, Pastor Irfon Hughes retired as a pastor of Shiloh. In February, Pastor Dave Okken was installed as minister of Shiloh to serve alongside Pastor Holst.
In August 2023, our first church plant started in Holly Springs, NC.